Netizen’s opinions for SS501 Hyun Joong attending former president birthday party

CR: MyDaily + Chinese Translation: + English Translation:

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SS501 Kim Hyun Joong unwilling participatiion in former President Chun Doo-hwan 80-year-old birthday was relentless attack by South Korea netizens.

Kim Hyun Joong unexpectedly turned up about 10 minute time at the former president Chun Doo-hwan 80-year-old birthday which was held at some wedding venue in Seoul Jiangnan on the 18th at 6:pm. Said that he attended together with the president of his managament company DSP to pay tribute to former President Chun Doo-hwan.

A journalist went to report in the same day said that Kim Hyun Joong really were at the birthday banquet with the managament president, and move toward the former president and his wife in front to shook hands. When the former President of the Secretary-General introduced him to the President couple, former president Chun Doo-hwan said, “So you are Kim Hyun Joong ah.” while welcoming him.

Because of this incidence suffered from netizens contempt vision, Kim Hyun Joong through the official SS501 website said “Today I am a little bit injured so want to leave a message on the web. I just want to attend our president’s birthday, why do you all need to say these about me. Also, although I attended the former president birthday, It does not mean I have any political power all right? “

However, netizens think that Kim Hyun Joong didn’t take a serious consideration before choosing to join the birthday party. Netizens said, “Because it is a sensitive occasion, should be more careful about his choice. It is too late to explain the issue afterward. If he had been more careful, then this news would not have happened, isn’t it? “

There are also other netizens’ accusation said “”Living in this society, there will have some of the things being misunderstood inevitably, however, says that assume full responsibility every time being misunderstood, who should be responsible for those irresponsible people.”

For the president who brought Kim Hyun Joong with him to the birthday party, his careless move also lambasted by the netizens. Netizens said that since Kim Hyun Joong is a well-known artist, even if it is for the sake of Kim Hyun Joong, he should not be brought to this former President Chun Doo-hwan’s birthday party which would be disgusted with all the Korean people.

Yesterday DSP issued a statement for this incidence. As the birthday of president Lee had invited SS501 members to eat dinner, before the dinner party, Kim Hyun Joong still got private matter, then president Lee accompanied Kim Hyun Joong to go to the destination. On the way President Lee received a phone so he just brought Kim Hyun Joong with him to go to the place of former President birthday unexpectedly. “

Of course, for the management statement, some netizen said ironically “Management company to make such a move is very inappropriate, even brings its own popular artists to these occasion is really messing things up. Obviously they knew that all the people of South Korea have such a poor impression of the former President Chun Doo-hwan. “

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