Credits to + (English translation) miyo

Application for Fanmeeting(night performance) starts on 22nd July, 21:00~ (Limited to only 2250 seats・first come first served basis)
Step 1
At the right side of the homepage, key in the 8 digit reservation code given in the box and press the 「Member's Page LOGIN」 button.※Members page application form will only be open on 22nd July, 21:00.
Step 2
After logging in, you will see the member's page and look for 「ファンミー天狗チケットお申し込みはこちら」 button and click it. It will bring you to the form page. Fill in the necessary information in the form.※For those applying for 2 tickets together, the reservation code of the your companion is also required. Please have it at hand with you.
※1 reservation code will only allow for application of 1 ticket. The system will not allow repeat application.
※Once the reservation code is used, even the companion's reservation code will not be able to use. Please do take note of that.
Ticket Application Requirements
1. Only for those who have purchased the DVD from KJ-net and have the 8 digit reservation code.2. The reservation code will be given when the company has confirmed the payment. As some time is required after payment has been made, please do make your payment early for the DVD reservation.
Things to Note For Application
1. Only the 「Evening Performance」 will be available for application on 22nd July 21:00 ~. For the Afternoon Performance, it is scheduled as informed earlier that it will be on sales from mid August. (If application is overwhelming, it will be selected by balloting).2. It will be on a first come first served basis for the Evening Performance ticket sales. Please note that once the tickets are sold out, application will end.
3. Even though tickets application is on a first come first served basis, seatings will be arranged by drawing lots. We will not be able to answer any enquries in regards to the seatings arrangement. Seats are not arranged in the sequence of the payment.
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