Kyu Jong's New Message in DSP Website

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Credits to DSP + (Chinese translation) + (English translation) SS5014ever @ 

Original message:
규종 : 우와^^.. ㅎ 아자아자~~ 고마워요 ! (2009-11-20 오후 9:35:10)

1 등 먹었어요 !!!! 고맙습니다. ^^
ㅎㅎ 너무 신나서 멤버들과 방방뛰었어요~~
우리 1등한거 알구 하늘이 또 비를 뿌려주네요~
역시 우린 비부돌 !! ㅎㅎ
비오니까 기분이 더 좋아!! ~
이쁜이들~ 추운데 오늘 밖에서 많이 기다린 친구들도 있고 ㅜㅜ,,
감기는 안걸렸어요?
아프지마요 감기 조심해야해요!! 알았죠?
밥도 잘 챙겨먹구 ~!!
아침에 물어보니까 밥 안먹은 친구들 많던데~~ 밥 잘 챙겨먹기!!
나는 내일을 위해서~~
오늘은 맛있게 밥을 먹고 일찍자려구!!
오늘 완전신났어!! 히히히~ 안녕^^!!! 알라뷰~~

English Translation:
Oh wah ^^..He Aza Aza~~Thank you~ 2009-11-20 9:35:10PM

First place!!!!! Thank you. ^^
Hehe so happy that members jumped around excitedly~
The Heavens know that we're first too, it rained again~
Indeed we're rain-calling-idols!! hehe
I'm feeling happier with the rain!!~
Beauties~ waiting for so long outside in such cold weather TT,,
you all didn't catch a cold right?
Don't fall sick, be careful of catching a cold!! Understand?
And eat well~!!
In the morning when I asked, there were many who haven't eaten breakfast~ must eat well!!
As for me, for tomorrow~~
I'll be sleeping early after I'm done eating!!
See you again tomorrow~~
Too happy today!! He he he~ Bye^^!!! I love you~~

Been waiting for this. I know it will be Kyu who's fast on the draw when it comes to messages. So sweet of him to think of those hungry people when eating. We must fight world hunger. 

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