Aigoo, did our Young Saeng also had his eyes fixed? I did use some translator and saw Lasik surgery. We'd wait for translations, yah? I included the entry from the blog below. Click on the link below to go to the source blog.
Credits to + 허찹쌀 @ SS601 + (English Translation)

그룹 SS501의 멤버인 매력만점 허영생이 오세오안과에 내원했습니다.
같은 멤버인 규종이의 라식수술 결과를 지켜보면서 많은 힘이 되어준 허영생~
멋진 남자 두 사람때문에 강남오세오안과 일대가 난리가 났었다는 후문^^
강남오세오안과에 방문하신 허영생님~
항상 행복하세요~
Group SS501's member full-point charmer Heo Young Saeng had administered himself into our OseO Ophthalmology Clinic. Heo Young Saeng who has received much courage after seeing the results of member Kim Kyu Jong who's undergone the same lasik surgery too~
Because of these two (3 you mean) awesome guys, Kangnam's Oseo Ophythalmology Clinic has been crowded in high favor since then ^^
Heo Young Saeng who's visited our Kangnam Oseo Ophthalmology Clinic~
Be happy always~
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